ally global foundation

As a teenager, Mallika* was trafficked from Nepal to India by one of her relatives and sold to a brothel. Her parents were devastated. They searched tirelessly for her (alongside a child protection group) before locating her in India.

But after her rescue, Mallika’s parents struggled to provide fitting care for a child who had endured immense trauma. So, with their love and support, Mallika was brought to our local partner’s safe home for healing.

Even though Mallika was safe in our local partner’s care, adapting to her new life wasn’t easy. She didn’t know who she could trust—and everything was new. But with time and alongside a loving community, Mallika learned to trust again.

Thousands of children like Mallika are trafficked every year, and forced to suffer sexual exploitation and abuse.

Your donation to Ally can support children rescued from human trafficking through safe housing, education and aftercare.

Six years later, our safe home leaders tell us that Mallika “has become a beautiful woman with a different personality.” She loves to cook and clean and help the leaders care for the children. Now in Grade 9, her dream is to continue her studies so she can help other children who have endured similar trauma.

*Name and photo has been changed to protect privacy.

You can help prevent human trafficking and provide survivors with the long-term care they need to find healing and restoration.

Help survivors of human trafficking heal from trauma and build healthy, independent futures.

You can restore dignity and hope today.

5 Ways to Recognize Human Trafficking in Your Community 

Download the free guide to learn how you can help:

Though trafficking can look different in different countries, one thing remains the same: traffickers always prey on vulnerability.

The more children, youth and parents understand how trafficking takes place, the better chance we have of stopping trafficking before it even happens.

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