ally global foundation

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With an estimated 50 million people living in modern slavery today, human trafficking can feel like an overwhelming issue. But we can make a big difference together when we each take small action steps. Here [...]

How to Fight Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is generally understood to refer to the process through which individuals are placed or maintained in an exploitative situation for economic gain. Trafficking can occur within a country or may involve movement across [...]

What is Human Trafficking?

Through the efforts of various agencies (including the FBI and the Cambodian government), a 10-year-old boy was identified as the victim of ongoing online sexual exploitation. Heartbreakingly, the boy’s father was the perpetrator of the [...]

10-year-old Boy Rescued in Cambodia

As a teenager, Mallika* was trafficked from Nepal to India by one of her relatives and sold to a brothel. Her parents were devastated. They searched tirelessly for her (alongside a child protection group) before [...]

Mallika’s Story

Many years ago, a teenager named Ankita* arrived at our safe homes in Nepal with a young boy on her hip. At a glance, you might have assumed the boy was Ankita’s younger sibling, as [...]

Ankita’s Story

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime developed a comprehensive list of trafficking indicators (signs of human trafficking) to help the public recognize the signs a person may have been trafficked. Some of these [...]

Learn The Signs of Human Trafficking

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